VMware | vSphere 7 | Templates | Migrating template to another host

 Hello Techies! Welcome to Says Tech !

In this blog, we will understand the procedure to migrate any template from one host to another without converting it to a virtual machine.


As we know, VMs can be easily migrated to different hosts using vMotion or automated DRS.

Whereas, templates do not have option to self migrate or vMotion capabilities.


1. Either you can convert the template to a virtual machine simply by:   

    Right click on the template --> Convert to a virtual machine --> use vMotion to migrate 

    Once done, you can convert the vm to a template again.

2.  Use reallocation / cold migration method

Steps Involved:

Here we will migrate the template from esx-01 to esx-02

1. Navigate to "VM Templates"

2. Determine the datastore for that template by accessing datastore tab on web client

3. After getting the datastore associated info, right click on the template --> Remove from Inventory


4. Navigate to the datastore --> Access the template folder --> Click on <template>.vmtx file --> Click on Register VM

5. On the register wizard, select any different host from the cluster and proceed to finish

6. Your template is now migrated to another host



Arvind Kr.


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